Origin of Now in Living Time


Initially, living time is temporal succession – a series of one-after-the-other moments arising again and again as a continual “now” advancing toward the not-yet future from a neutral spatial position that is neither “left” nor “right” with respect to itself; it’s just “straight”.  As the material corollary of such a “now” moment of living time, the amino acid “word” also has no spatial context; “left” merely determines a relative position vis-à-vis the NH (amine) end, which by convention is referred to as “forward”. The meaning of both “left” and “forward” is only apparent when the amino acid is linked to another amino acid as part of a growing chain.

Let’s look closely at the meaning of “now” in the context of matter parts, living tasks and the living time of the whole aware organism (i.e., the unicellular organism in our discussion of it).

We might visualize a chain of amino acids linked together forming a “straight” 1D line.  Of course, this line is invisible, existing only as an ideal when viewed from an angular vantage point on either side of the chain.  But the ideal arises out of an actual physical property. Normally on a 2D page, we depict the process of addition as an incremental increase from left to right in the same way we add time to a Gantt chart or processes to a flow chart.  This left-to-right flow expands in the same direction as matter time. However, other than the fact that this is the usual way of depicting the addition of matter or matter time, there’s no real reason why we couldn’t imagine it pointing in the opposite direction, from right to left.  We will do so here to facilitate this discussion of living time and amino acid assembly, both of which we’ve depicted as growth from right to left, in which the newest “now” moment of living time (or the newest amino acid in a chain) is added on the right, pushing the oldest “now” moment (or the first amino acid) further left.

Let’s consider a metal chain made of individual oval-shaped rings with a twist in the middle, as shown in Figure 1 above.  By itself, the ring has no direction; it’s just a twisted loop of metal. One end looks different than the other, but neither end is defined except with respect to the opposite end.  In other words, either end could be considered “front / forward” or “back / rear” and choosing one of these designations for one end would automatically designate the other end as its opposite. 

However, when the ring is taken as part of an entire chain, as shown in Figure 2, it acquires the directionality of the chain as a whole.  Each ring now has the same orientation as all the other rings, and all are pointing in the same direction.  In this case, from our perspective on this side of the 2D page, the horizontal ends of each ring point right and the vertical ends point left.  The differently shaped ends also mean that any specific point on an individual ring also has the orientation of the ring and the chain as a whole.  For example, from our position as readers, the side of the red dot closest to the horizontal end is also on the right, and the side closest to the vertical end is on the left.  The position of a given ring is fixed relative to all other rings.  Any addition to the chain would have no effect on the position, direction or orientation of any other ring.  And finally, the overall shape of the chain is linear.  In the same way that a line is defined by a series of tightly-spaced identical points, the line of the chain is defined by closely-spaced identical rings, just like the original shown in Figure 1.

At this point, we have established a linear shape and orientation for the chain, but we don’t yet have direction which, in the case of a metal chain, is an entirely arbitrary designation made by a viewer.  If we take the leading or “front” end of the chain to be the end closest to the observer depicted in the figure, then the “front” of the chain is on the left with respect to our perspective on this side of the 2D page. Adding another ring to this front- / forward-facing end has no effect on any other ring (or point) in the chain; all remain in their original position with the first or oldest on the right, and the last or newest on the left.  We might also say that with assigned directionality, every ring and every point on a ring also has a “before” and an “after”, in which “before” refers to “older” rings or points on the right, and “after” refers to newer rings or points on the left.

This same idea applies to an amino acid chain.  An individual amino acid has potential direction (in that its ends differ), but no specific direction; it’s just a chiral molecule.  But as part of a growing chain, an individual amino acid acquires the orientation and direction of the entire chain, as shown in Figure 3.  From the point of view of the observer at the amine end of the chain in Figure 3 , the oldest amino acid is closest and the newest amino acid is farthest away.  From our position as readers on this side of the 2D page, “before” refers to “older” amino acids on the left, and “after” refers to newer ones on the right.

In considering Figures 2 and 3, notice that “before” and “after” are reversed.  In Figure 2 (representing matter and matter time), “before / older” refers to rings or points on the right.  In Figure 3, “before / older” refers to amino acids on the left.  And, while adding a new ring to the chain in Figure 2 doesn’t change the position of any other ring or point in the chain, adding a new amino acid changes the position of every other amino acid and point in the chain.  How does this occur?

In the case of amino acid chain growth, all previously linked amino acids, along with every point on those amino acids, moves left (becomes “older”) as each new amino acid is added at the “newest” end of the chain.  Each molecule and point on the chain remains the same relative to all other molecules and points; but unlike the metal chain, each point on the amino acid chain passes a fixed position pictured by the vertical line as new amino acids are attached in succession in the continuing “now” moment. In other words, a fixed position on a growing amino acid chain does not represent a unique spatial point but a unique separation in time from one “now” moment to the next.

In the metal chain, the links are just the entwined front and back ends of individual metal rings. The link is not separate from the ring; it is all matter.  But amino acid links are actual separations between individual amino acids that establish a temporal relationship between points in space. Two amino acids (NHRCO, NHRCO) are linked by an interlocking distinction: NHR  CONH  RCO.  The link (CONH) is a meaningful “particular” or “distinction” that arises out of and only exists in the relationship of the two separate molecules.

In Figure 4, we see that what repeats in the process of amino acid assembly is not a material part – it is a task.  In this case, the task is a unit consisting of succession, chiral direction of an amino acid and a link with another homochiral amino acid.  In this way, organic growth becomes more than just the cumulative addition of a series of separate molecules.  Because the unit includes the link, growth (and hence living time) is a series of interlocking relational distinctions with no one point of connection.

The “now” moment of living time, however, is more than just time. We’ll examine this further in the next two pages.


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